The candidate application is incorporated herein by reference and this consent form exclusively applies to the candidate application.
I understand that my privacy is very important to AFS and that prior to participating in the inquiry, application process in which any of my personal or sensitive information (“personal data”) may be collected, AFS would like to inform me about its data protection and privacy policies and obtain my permission.
I understand and accept that AFS may process the personal and sensitive information that I have provided here, and may transmit such data to third parties for any purpose reasonably required for the proper organization and fulfillment of the AFS inquiry, application process and the AFS program. I understand that the data will not be sold or otherwise transferred to third parties for purpose. AFS will transfer and store personal data in central databases in at least two locations to ensure that the data is not lost. Currently those locations are in the United States of America and in Thailand. Those databases have a restrictive access and can only be accessed by AFS employees or volunteers both of which will use the information exclusively for the management of the AFS program operations.
By accepting you explicitly acknowledge that AFS Intercultural Programs, Inc., its national and regional affiliates and Partner organizations (herein referred to as “AFS”) are entitled to process the personal data being provided by me (including all sensitive personal data being provided) in the manner described above. You also acknowledge and confirm that all provided personal data is accurate and complete.