World-renowned for its rich cultural history, festive celebrations and historic sites, Germany also has a vibrant arts scene and is a front runner in the fields of renewable energy and conservation. This country stretches from flat farming country in the north to rolling hills in the centre to the Alps in the south. Germans enjoy a high standard of living, are famous for their precision, and highly value punctuality. You will always find someone debating politics, culture, environmental issues or sports.

Germany offers an active youth culture, and a wide range of activities to choose from. German teenagers generally devote weekdays to studying and leave community organized activities, sports and hanging out for the weekends. Top sports: especially soccer, hiking and bicycling.

AFS Youth exchange in Germany

Culture & Community


A photo posted by AFS Deutschland (@afsdeutschland) on Oct 26, 2015 at 8:22am PDT

You will most likely live in a small town or in the German countryside. Family life is important, but Germany offers you a chances to a bit more independent than is some other countries. Young people are encouraged to care of their own affairs. Be prepared to share the household chores.


You’ll most likely attend a university-preparatory school called a gymnasium, where classes run from 7:30 am or 8:30 am to somewhere between 2 pm to 4 pm. Lectures in class are interactive and you are expected to ask questions and join in the discussions.


Es gibt tolle neue Bilder bei!! Ladet doch auch ein Bild von euch hoch ????? #AFSjahr#meinJahr#AFS#AFSinspiriert

Ein Beitrag geteilt von AFS Deutschland (@afsdeutschland) am 7. Okt 2016 um 5:56 Uhr

German is the official language of Germany. You’ll begin learning German through a Rosetta Stone course before you arrive. You may also have the opportunity to take additional language lessons with your local AFS volunteer chapter.


German cuisine is often rich, and differs depending on the region. Red meat, poultry, or fish served with potatoes, dumplings, noodles or rice, and vegetables are popular. Germany is famous for its many types of bread, cakes like the Schwarzwälder Kirschtorte(Black Forest Cake) and coffee. Before the meal, your host family might say, “Guten Appetit,” which invites you to enjoy your meal. A hot meal is usually served once a day. Meals are served at specific hours, and all family members are expected to dine together and be on time.

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Explore the Programs Available in Germania